Medical Cartoons

Medical cartoons, sorted by field of medical specialty.

Could you make the exam quick?

..uuhhh doctor, the patient was wondering if you could make his exam kinda quick …He says he hasn’t eaten in fourteen days

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission.

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Realistic Stress Test

“We wanted to make the stress test as realistic as possible.”

Cartoon generously provided by Chip Cooper.
You can find more cartoons by Chip Cooper at Coopertoons

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What’s in today’s special?

“What’s in today’s special?”

“Whatever the chef feels like throwing into it.”

“Well let’s hope that he doesn’t ‘throw something in’ to which I have an allergic reaction and die.”

Cartoon generously provided by Jason Love with permission.
You can find more cartoons by Jason at

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Jack and the Beanstalk – and the Proctologist

“So Jack, you decided to eat the beans?”

Jack and the Beanstalk – and the Proctologist

Frenetic Wanderings cartoons by Jeff Swenson at

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Problems with Fertility Drugs

“The good news, folks, is that you are pregnant with twin daughters. The bad news is that your twins are pregnant too.”

Problems with Fertility Drugs.

Frenetic Wanderings cartoons by Jeff Swenson at

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We thought it would represent your age without having to use a ton of candles

“It was our idea, Grandma. We thought it would represent your age without having to use a ton of candles”

“Thank you, dears.”

Ya little bastards.

Frenetic Wanderings cartoons by Jeff Swenson at

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The Day After Valentine’s Day

“My God, what have I done …”

The Day After Valentine’s Day

Frenetic Wanderings cartoons by Jeff Swenson at

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You definitely have a serious case of bullseye

You definitely have a serious case of bullseye… Let me pull out this chart for you to read…

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission.

Check out these eye care articles for information about eye exams, costs, and experiencesreviews of online stores that sell eyeglasses, and the best way to clean eyeglasses.

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Wicked Optometrist that loved scaring Cyclops

…Once upon a time there lived a very wicked Optometrist that loved scaring Cyclops….

Okay…now cover your eye and read the chart!

Chart? what chart? I can’t see nothing Doc!…AAHHH!! Help me!

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission

Check out these eye care articles about costs of eye examsplaces to get cheap eyeglasses, and how to clean your  eyeglasses.

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What this girl needs is a chiropractor!

“Would you priests get out of the way? What this girl needs is a chiropractor!”

One of the deleted scenes put back in the newly restored release of The Exorcist.

Frenetic Wanderings cartoons by Jeff Swenson

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