
Cartoons about ophthalmology, eye doctors, and vision.

You definitely have a serious case of bullseye

You definitely have a serious case of bullseye… Let me pull out this chart for you to read…

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission.

Check out these eye care articles for information about eye exams, costs, and experiencesreviews of online stores that sell eyeglasses, and the best way to clean eyeglasses.

You definitely have a serious case of bullseye Read More »

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Wicked Optometrist that loved scaring Cyclops

…Once upon a time there lived a very wicked Optometrist that loved scaring Cyclops….

Okay…now cover your eye and read the chart!

Chart? what chart? I can’t see nothing Doc!…AAHHH!! Help me!

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission

Check out these eye care articles about costs of eye examsplaces to get cheap eyeglasses, and how to clean your  eyeglasses.

Wicked Optometrist that loved scaring Cyclops Read More »

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