Managed Care

Rise up and walk!

Rise up and walk

“Your HMO says ‘Rise up and walk!'”

Cartoon generously provided by Chip Cooper.
You can find more cartoons by Chip Cooper at Coopertoons

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Pre-Existing Condition

pre-existing condition

“The insurance won’t cover it. They said you broke that same leg when you were five, so it’s a pre-existing condition.”

Cartoon generously provided by Joe Ruisi.

Pre-Existing Condition Read More »

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Pray for a miracle

“What health insurance? If you fall ill, I’ll pray for a miracle.”

Cartoon generously provided by Joe Ruisi.

Pray for a miracle Read More »

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Billing records from the archives

“Before we begin, Ms Blatt will retrieve your billing records from the archives.”

Cartoon generously provided by Joe Ruisi.

Billing records from the archives Read More »

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I heard our HMO might not cover this

“I heard our HMO might not cover this.”

Cartoon generously provided by Chip Cooper. You can find more cartoons by Chip Cooper at Coopertoons

I heard our HMO might not cover this Read More »

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