When is a Jewish fetus viable?

There’s a big controversy on the Jewish view of when life begins.

In Jewish tradition, the fetus is not considered viable until after it graduates from medical school.

When is a Jewish fetus viable? Read More »

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Pre-Existing Condition

pre-existing condition

“The insurance won’t cover it. They said you broke that same leg when you were five, so it’s a pre-existing condition.”

Cartoon generously provided by Joe Ruisi.

Pre-Existing Condition Read More »

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Aggressive New Surgeon

My GOD old chap! That aggressive new surgeon…tell me what is his bloody name?? … I think it’s Rip – per!, yeah Jack Rip..per!!

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission.

Aggressive New Surgeon Read More »

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Suicide no longer seemed like an option

Bill looked at Susan. Susan looked at Bill.
Suddenly, suicide no longer seemed like
an option. This was love at first sight.

Cartoon generously provided by Jason Love with permission.
You can find more cartoons by Jason at jasonlove.com

Suicide no longer seemed like an option Read More »

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Pray for a miracle

“What health insurance? If you fall ill, I’ll pray for a miracle.”

Cartoon generously provided by Joe Ruisi.

Pray for a miracle Read More »

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Billing records from the archives

“Before we begin, Ms Blatt will retrieve your billing records from the archives.”

Cartoon generously provided by Joe Ruisi.

Billing records from the archives Read More »

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Optimistic Sheep – Pessimistic Sheep

“Baaahhhh! Naaaaahhhh!”

Optimistic Sheep | Pessimistic Sheep

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission.

Optimistic Sheep – Pessimistic Sheep Read More »

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Psycho Ward – Fruits and Vegetables

Psycho Ward – Fruits and Vegetables

Cartoon generously provided by Jason Love with permission.
You can find more cartoons by Jason at jasonlove.com

Psycho Ward – Fruits and Vegetables Read More »

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Disgruntled Employee

It has been brought to my attention that you’ve become a disgruntled employee..I just want you to know we really care and I’ve set you up an appointment to see our company counselor…

Cartoon generously provided by Anton Ballard with permission.

Disgruntled Employee Read More »

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Reptile Dysfunction

What’s “A Reptile Dysfunction”?

Cartoon generously provided by Joe Ruisi.

Reptile Dysfunction Read More »

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